Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Private School Admissions Testing

Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services (APPS) provides admissions testing for several of the area’s private schools.  We provide the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Stanford-Binet.  Additionally, APPS offers:

Gifted Testing
Neuropsychological Testing
Auditory Processing Testing
Developmental Testing
Emotional and Psychological Testing
ADD and ADHD Testing
Psycho-educational Testing
Custody Evaluations
Forensic Evaluations (civil, criminal and family)

To learn more about our services we invite you to visit us at:  You can reach us directly at: (703) 723-2999.

Career Testing and Vocational Testing in Northern Virginia

Career Testing and Vocational Testing

Ashburn Psychological Services now offers low-cost vocational testing, including the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Interest Inventory, among others.

APS offers Career Testing and Consultations for teenagers headed off to college or the workforce and adults undergoing career transitions. Our career program uses consultations and testing on skills, aptitudes, motivations and interests to provide job-matching by a licensed clinical psychologist as well as a variety of optional follow-up services. Those follow-up services include career counseling, targeting jobs and positions, producing resumes and other relevant materials and working on coping skills once you have successfully obtained a desirable position.

The client drives the process through choosing the focus and allowing our professional staff to collect and interrupt data to come up with the best options and environments where clients can succeed and reach their goals.

We invite you to schedule a consultation with our office manager, Ms. Christine Kutt, at (703) 723-2999.  We also invite you to visit us at to learn more about our team and services.  Ashburn Psychological Services has some of the Northern Virginia’s leading child and adult psychiatrists and child and adult psychologists.

Developmental Testing Northern Virginia


Developmental testing examines and analyzes what an infant or toddler can and cannot do using a standardized set of questions, procedures and methods. The results of these inquiries can be quantified. This information helps parents and clinicians understand how a child compares to a population of children who are developing normally and points to developmental domains that need intervention.

As children develop, some may demonstrate social, communication and problem solving skills at a slower or inconsistent rate, which in turn, impedes their development. Developmental testing will serve to identify if a child is experiencing within normal range weaknesses or more pervasive deficits/impairment (e.g. Autism or Asperger’s Disorder). Sensory Processing Disorder, Hyperlexia and other pervasive developmental delays or conditions are identified through developmental testing.

Ashburn Psychological Services developmental testing assesses language, social skills, motor skills, attachment, memory, sense of self and family dynamics. Parents are given a “map” that helps them understand their child’s unique temperament, developmental strengths and needs, sensory responsiveness, and preferred ways of playing and interacting. This tool helps parents to read and understand their child’s non-verbal signals and to respond appropriately. Early detection of delays or inconsistencies in development can help set-up the proper care and treatment to put children on the right path.

Summer is an ideal time to assess and test your child.  To schedule a consultation, we invite you to contact our office manager, Christine Kutt, at (703) 723-2999 or  We also invite you to visit us at to learn more about our team and services.

Summer ADD and ADHD Evaluations and Treatment

Ashburn Psychological Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for child, adolescent and adult ADD and ADHD. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed psychiatrist’s or psychologist’s. Neuropsychological testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification inasmuch as ADD and ADHD can look like other conditions and vice versa — anxiety, depression, learning disorders, auditory processing disorder, and other developmental conditions. Diagnostic testing is sometimes required for private or public school placement and instruction. 

Treatment is then individualized to the care and needs of the client. Treatment may include medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, parent consultation and guidance and/or Cogmed Working Memory Training. Some of our clients are adamant that they do not want medication as a component to their treatment or their child’s treatment for ADD or ADHD. Much research has shown outstanding results for ADD and ADHD with evidenced based cognitive behavior therapy alone. Cogmed research studies have also shown impressive results in the treatment of ADD and ADHD.

We invite you to visit us at to learn more about our team and services.

To schedule a consultation with our team, please contact our office manager, Christine Kutt, at (703) 723-2999.